Have you ever wanted something so badly, only to find that it was not all that you thought it would be when you finally got it? Or have you ever worked really hard for something, only to not be able to see it through? These scenarios are not failures…they are disappointments.
Read MoreHere’s a crazy idea: in order for people to do well, they need to know what is expected of them. (I know…shocking, right?) No one can consistently meet expectations if the expectations are not clear. This does not mean that everything is spelled out in great detail, but it does mean that you have communicated a standard for performance that is appropriate for the role and in alignment with the values of your organization.
Read MoreThings are not always what they seem. This is both a blessing and curse. It allows me to move about this life, looking like I have my crap pulled together, and to function as a human in a society run by a set of social rules and expectations. But in so doing I wear a mask. I carefully apply the make-up (both literally and figuratively) that gives me the appearance I want to have to everyone else. I can even get pretty good at convincing myself that I have it together. But do I?
Read MoreGiving good customer service should not be rocket science, yet everyone has a story of a time they received a letter or email like this one…
Read MoreIt is counter-cultural to take a strategic pause. Picture yourself sitting at your desk, just…thinking. What would that even look like, and better yet, what would someone walking by think you were doing? (Weirdo.) But don’t let that stop you from giving this a try. The best thoughts and insights of your life are waiting on the other side of that hurdle!
Read MoreThankfully, you don’t have to put on tights and a leotard to learn these lessons.
Read MoreAh, meetings. In the business world, we love meetings, don’t we? We love them so much that sometimes we have meetings about our meetings! Sound familiar? True, meetings get a bad rap…but they can bring a lot of value if they are done right.
Read MoreSunrises mark a new day. A fresh start. With each sunrise comes the promise of a day that is unwritten – up to each one of us to direct what happens next. It’s the most grand form of do over. Yet often we feel like the day is already written for us…
Read MoreWhat have I done, I thought to myself as I stepped into the corral that cold September morning. Months earlier, under a moment of psychosis, I registered to run a half marathon.
Read MoreRemember the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes? It’s a great story – partially because the idea of some guy parading around naked is kind of funny, but that is not the point.
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