Posts in Personal Development
Should I Stay or Should I Go?

How do you know when to stick with your job and when to call it quits? Everyone has faced this question at some point in their career, and it can be really hard to know when it is time to move on. If you are pondering this tough question, here are some signals to help you decide…should I stay or should I go?

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New Year, New You?

Don’t you love a good fresh start? There is something about a new day/week/year that is full of possibility and hope and let’s be honest, we could all use a bit more of those things right now. With the flip of the calendar, you may find yourself setting intentions, crafting goals, or making resolutions that point to the vision of a better future. Yes, you know what you want and where you want to go! And because you are smart, you know that vision alone is not going to get you there.

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How to Read More

Maybe you love to read but you just can’t find the time.  Maybe you are not that into reading, but you need to do it for work.  Or maybe you are like me and fall asleep if you crack a book open any time after 8:30pm.  (Don’t be hating on my hard-core lifestyle!)  Whatever your scenario, if you want to get more reading in and you are ready for some advice that actually works, then you have come to the right place!

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Fired.  Let go.  Forced out.  Job eliminated.  Separated from employment.  Consciously uncoupled.  Whatever you want to call it, this message goes out to those who have ever been separated from work and not of their own choosing.  For those in the club, I have three things to say to you…

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Things Are Not Always What They Seem

Things are not always what they seem.  This is both a blessing and curse.  It allows me to move about this life, looking like I have my crap pulled together, and to function as a human in a society run by a set of social rules and expectations.  But in so doing I wear a mask.  I carefully apply the make-up (both literally and figuratively) that gives me the appearance I want to have to everyone else.  I can even get pretty good at convincing myself that I have it together.  But do I?

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